About the association for the development of digital recruiting in the field of education export
The association for the development of digital recruiting team has 25 years of experience in research activities in the field of social and educational integration technologies. During this time, the association participated in a number of international projects together with relevant departments both inside and outside the country.
A National research center has been established, the technology of all-russian telephone surveys has been developed, together with the television of Channel One and representatives of political parties.
The Foundation "Compatriot and Motherland" has created a structural unit under the Russian-German youth cooperation.
Together with PSU (Pacific State University), a program for the export of educational services was developed, the result of which was a full-fledged strategy for promoting education abroad.
A technology for recruiting applicants has been developed, which is based on a manual on career guidance for future students. Preparatory courses have been created in cooperation with MIPT (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology).
ANO "Higher School of Pedagogy" creation of a unified learning environment for convicts to receive Higher education by correspondence, distance education in the territory of the Russian Federation together with the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.
An electronic platform has been developed in the field of providing tourist services IP TRAVEL Unified information support service for Russian-speaking tourists.
ANO "Higher School of Pedagogy" conducts research on foreign markets for the demand for educational services of the Russian Federation.
The uniqueness of the technology
As an international research organization, the association for the development of digital recruiting has developed its own unique sales technology, which is based on the use of a socio-cultural code and a mathematical model that can be applied in the sale of any goods and services on international markets.
The uniqueness of the technology is that it allows you to carry out any advertising campaign on the international market with the help of a positive impact on psycho-emotional perception and moral and ethical norms, which leads to an interest in purchasing the intended products. Thus, the effectiveness of the advertising message is increased by 60%.
The technology of sales using a socio–cultural code is a unique technology that has no analogues in the world, which allows you to build an advertising campaign most efficiently and quickly and arouse the interest of the target group in a product or service.
A sociocultural code is a set of value-significant images, individual values and attitudes that stores information about a specific socio-cultural group (target audience). The basis of advertising messages is a socio-cultural code that includes specific information and meanings in order to attract the attention of potential consumers of goods and services.
The uniqueness of the technology is that it allows you to carry out any advertising campaign on the international market with the help of a positive impact on psycho-emotional perception and moral and ethical norms, which leads to an interest in purchasing the intended products. Thus, the effectiveness of the advertising message is increased by 60%.
The technology of sales using a socio–cultural code is a unique technology that has no analogues in the world, which allows you to build an advertising campaign most efficiently and quickly and arouse the interest of the target group in a product or service.
A sociocultural code is a set of value-significant images, individual values and attitudes that stores information about a specific socio-cultural group (target audience). The basis of advertising messages is a socio-cultural code that includes specific information and meanings in order to attract the attention of potential consumers of goods and services.
The technology of sales using the socio-cultural code in the countries includes:
Algorithm of work on the study of socio-cultural code
Recommendations for the study of consumer demand and data collection and analysis, analysis of the target audience
Recommendations for the formulation of competitive advantages of the product and offer
Recommendations for creating a mathematical model based on the analysis of the "digital footprint" and lead generation
Recommendations for the effective use of various information platforms and resources.
Approximate calculation of the effectiveness (number of requests) of advertising and the creation of a roadmap for the sales department
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